Helping to Improve Your Neighborhood Culture

Helping to Improve Your Neighborhood Culture

A neighborhood community is much like any other group dynamic. It contains individuals that each contributes their unique aspects to the total experience. Many of the same strategies that help to meld corporate groups can be used to help communities feel more...
Different Ways to Engage With Your Community

Different Ways to Engage With Your Community

If you’re a nonprofit organization, you’ll want to engage with your surrounding community. It’s a crucial part of making yourself known to people outside of your inner circle. This community is your donor base; they are the people who will support you as you build...
How Communities Are Aiding The Fight Against The Pandemic

How Communities Are Aiding The Fight Against The Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic is hurting the United States in ways that many Americans could never have imagined. Thousands of people are dying as the healthcare system becomes increasingly overwhelmed. Schools around the country are shuttered, leaving children struggling...
Charity Projects for Your Workplace

Charity Projects for Your Workplace

Many workplaces do all they can to serve the community in which they are located. There are certain projects that companies can incorporate into the workplace for charitable causes. Giving back to the community has many different benefits for a workplace. It gives the...